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    anti-hER-α66 a


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    • 更新時間:2024-06-27
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    供應商 齊氏生物 庫存 100 μg 靶點 詳詢 級別 詳詢 目錄編號 8-80114 克隆性 多克隆 抗原來源 synthetic peptide antigen 保質期 6 months from date of receipt 抗體英文名 anti-hER-α66 抗體名 anti-hER-α66抗體 標記物 詳詢 宿主 rabbit 適應物種 詳詢 免疫原 詳詢 亞型 詳詢 形態 Liquid 應用范圍 immunostaining, westernblot, immunoprecipitation. 濃度 1mgml 保存條件 2-8° for short term; freeze in Suitable Aliquots 規格 100 μg 產品說明 Descriptions:  The antibody was raised against a synthetic peptide antigen corresponding to the unique C-terminal 18 amino acids of hER-α66. The specificity of the antibody was tested in hER-α66 expression cells, MCF-7 Cells and breast carcinoma tissues. This rabbit polyclonal anti-hER-α66 antibody is supplied in affinity-purified form. Storage: 2-8 ℃ for short term; freeze in Suitable Aliquots. Antibody Concentration: 1 mgml. Physical Appearance: Liquid. Buffer: TrisGlycine (pH7.4). Stabilizing Agent: 0.1% BSA. Preservative: in 10mM PBS, pH 7.6, with 0.2% BSA and 15mM sodium azide. Shelf Life: 6 months from date of receipt. Reactivity: human, mouse, and hamster (not rat ,others not tested) Application: immunostaining, westernblot, immunoprecipitation.   規格型號 論文引用(2007-2019部分) (圖片選自文章 https:content2823727478F9.expansion.html) 1.Estrogen signaling and estrogen receptors as prognostic indicators in laryngeal cancer A Verma, N Schwartz, DJ Cohen, BD Boyan… - Steroids, 2019 - Elsevier … Abcam, Cambridge, United Kingdom) or ERα (rabbit polyclonal, Chi Scientific, Maynard, MA),which detects ERα66 and ERα36. All tissue or cell lysates were run on two separate westernblots, and data from one representative blot is shown. 2.8.1. Estrogen and estrogen … Cited by 2 Related articles All 5 versions  2.24R, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 modulates tumorigenicity in breast cancer in an estrogen receptor-dependent manner A Verma, Z Schwartz, BD Boyan - Steroids, 2019 - Elsevier … Western blots were used to identify and quantify estrogen receptor protein in all cell lines aspreviously described [9]. In brief, cells were grown to confluence in T …ERα66, ERα46, and ERα36were assessed with an all-ERα primary antibody (Chi Scientific #80113, Maynard, MA) … 3.Effect of 17β-estradiol on estrogen receptor negative breast cancer cells in an osteolytic mouse model DJ Cohen, V Patel, A Verma, BD Boyan, Z Schwartz - Steroids, 2019 - Elsevier … Effects of estrogen on osteolysis were assessed as a function of time and treatment with17β-estradiol. 2. Material and methods … Primary antibodies against ERα were from Chi Scientific(Maynard, MA, #8-80119, #8-80113); antibodies to GAPDH were from Millipore-Sigma (St … Cited by 1 Related articles All 6 versions  4.Estradiol receptor profile and estrogen responsiveness in laryngeal cancer and clinical outcomes N Schwartz, A Verma, C Muktipaty, C Bivens… - Steroids, 2019 - Elsevier … Louis, MO, #C4555-10G) [16]. Estrogen receptors were inhibited using a neutralizing antibodyto ERα36 (Chi Scientific, Maynard, MA) [37]. Confluent cultures were pre-treated with mediacontaining different concentrations of the inhibitor as indicated below … Cited by 6 Related articles All 5 versions  5.Estrogen receptor-alpha 36 mediates the anti-apoptotic effect of estradiol in triple negative breast cancer cells via a membrane-associated mechanism RA Chaudhri, A Hadadi, KS Lobachev… - … et Biophysica Acta (BBA …, 2014 - Elsevier … Estrogen receptors (ERs) play a major role in classification, diagnosis, and treatment of breastcancer [13], [14], [15] … ERα36 overexpression plasmids were purchased from Chi Scientific(Maynard, MA). Polyfect transfection reagent was obtained from Qiagen (Germantown, MD) … 6.Membrane estrogen signaling enhances tumorigenesis and metastatic potential of breast cancer cells via estrogen receptor-α36 (ERα36) RA Chaudhri, R Olivares-Navarrete, N Cuenca… - Journal of Biological …, 2012 - ASBMB … needed. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the role of ERα36 in membrane-associated estrogen signaling in breast cancer … Sciences. Polyclonal ERα66 and ERα36antibodies were purchased from Chi Scientific (Maynard, MA) … Cited by 90 Related articles All 8 versions 7.Regulation of Mouse Slo Gene Expression MULTIPLE PROMOTERS, TRANSCRIPTION START SITES, AND GENOMIC ACTION OF ESTROGEN P Kundu, A Alioua, E Stefani, L Toro - Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2007 - ASBMB… Estrogen-treated MCF7 cell nuclear extract was from Active Motif … of nuclear extract from HeLacells transfected with hERα was resolved in a 4-20% gradient SDS gel and immunoblotted usinga polyclonal antibody raised against hERα (ER-α66, CHI Scientific) as described … Cited by 46 Related articles All 6 versions  更多抗體 代表產品    分類 抗體名稱 單克隆抗體 Anti-KDM5C mouse monoclonal antibody Anti-KDM5C mouse monoclonal antibody Anti-GTF2B mouse monoclonal antibody Anti-SMYD2 mouse monoclonal antibody Anti-CXCL8 mouse monoclonal antibody Anti-SMC1A(N-term) mouse monoclonal antibody Anti-MAP2(N-term) mouse monoclonal antibody Anti-BRAF mouse monoclonal antibody Anti-GRK2 mouse monoclonal antibody Anti-FOXA1 mouse monoclonal antibody Anti-GATA4 mouse monoclonal antibody Anti-BCL2L1 mouse monoclonal antibody 多克隆抗體 Anti-PCNA rabbit polyclonal antibody Anti-STAT1 rabbit polyclonal antibody Anti-MMP1 rabbit polyclonal antibody Anti-TLR2 rabbit polyclonal antibody Anti-ANXA1 rabbit polyclonal antibody Anti-KRT8 rabbit polyclonal antibody Anti-ATF2 rabbit polyclonal antibody Anti-CAPN1 rabbit polyclonal antibody Anti-CCK rabbit polyclonal antibody Anti-CLEC10A rabbit polyclonal antibody Anti-EFNA3 rabbit polyclonal antibody Anti-TNFRSF10C rabbit polyclonal antibody 標簽 內參抗體 Anti-GAPDH mouse monoclonal antibody Anti-ACTB(HRP-Conjugate) mouse monoclonal antibody Anti-TUBB(HRP-Conjugate) mouse monoclonal antibody Anti-Rubisco mouse monoclonal antibody Anti-Myc-Tag Mouse Monoclonal antibody Anti-GST Tag mouse monoclonal antibody Anti-Trx-Tag mouse monoclonal antibody Anti-DsbA-Tag mouse monoclonal antibody Anti-GFPeGFP-Tag mouse monoclonal antibody Anti-Flag-Tag mouse monoclonal antibody Anti-6×His Tag mouse monoclonal antibody Anti-MBP Tag mouse monoclonal antibody Anti-EYFP Tag mouse monoclonal antibody   更多詳情,請咨詢   



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