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    • 更新時間:2024-06-27
    • 訪  問  量: 375


    品系 NA ATCC Number NA 細胞類型 NA 腫瘤類型 NA 注冊證號 NA 生長狀態(tài) NA 年限 NA 運輸方式 冰袋發(fā)貨 器官來源 NA 是否是腫瘤細胞 NA 細胞形態(tài) NA 免疫類型 NA 物種來源 NA 相關疾病 NA 組織來源 NA 庫存 1000 英文名  FibrOut™ CAS號 NA 供應商 NA 規(guī)格 1ml(500X) FibrOut™成纖維抑制劑 (原代細胞培養(yǎng)推薦★★★★★) 產品介紹CHI Scientific研發(fā)的成纖維細胞生長抑制體系—FibrOut™,包含多種生化成分和有機試劑,能夠抑制成纖維細胞在原代細胞培養(yǎng)中的成長,進而促進靶細胞生長。每一種成纖維細胞抑制劑是組織和細胞特異性的,適用于相應的PrimaCellTM原代細胞培養(yǎng)體系,可以為您提供理想狀態(tài)的原代細胞。規(guī)格型號   產品體系人成纖維抑制劑 小鼠成纖維抑制劑 大鼠成纖維抑制劑 禽類成纖維抑制劑 質量檢測 每1ml FibrOut™可以混合于500ml培養(yǎng)基,每批試劑均經過成纖維細胞抑制性能測試。 論文引用 Companion-Probe & Race platform for interrogating nuclear protein and migration of living cells Hong Sun 1, Zaizai Dong 2, Qingyang Zhang 3, Bing Liu 4, Shi Yan 4, Yusen Wang 1, Dedong Yin 5, Peigen Ren 6, Nan Wu 4, Lingqian Chang 7  Biosens Bioelectron. 2022 Aug 15;210:114281. DOI: 10.1016j.bios.2022.114281 .....with 15% FBS and FibrOutTM fibroblast inhibitor (4-21564, CHI Scientific) (Hang et al., 2022). The above cells were all cultured in a cell incubator (CCL-170JB-8, ESCO) with the condition of 37 ?C and 5% CO2. 更多 1)[HTML] CD47 Promotes Age-Associated Deterioration in Angiogenesis, Blood Flow and Glucose Homeostasis.Kedar Ghimire, * Yao Li, etc. al. Cells. 2020 Jul; 9(7): 1695….. Mouse FibrOut 11 and Human FibrOut custom prepared for Blood Vessels and Endothelial Tissues were from Chi Scientific Inc. (Maynard,MA, USA)….. Mouse FibrOut 11 and Human FibrOut custom prepared for blood vessels and endothelial tissues was added to the cell media following the manufacturers’ protocol to suppress fibroblast growth.2)[HTML] Cancertestis antigens expression during ction of melanoma and soft tissue sarcoma cellsA Danilova, V Misyurin, A Novik, D Girdyuk… - Clinical Sarcoma …, 2020 - Springer … When cells reached sub-confluence, they were dispersed with 0.25% trypsin–0.02% EDTA(Sigma-Aldrich, USA) and seeded in a new culture plate. Fibroblast growth-inhibitory cocktailHuman FibrOut™ 9 (Chi Scientific Inc., USA) was used for fibroblast growth prevention … 3) Engineering a Bioartificial Human Colon Model Through Decellularization and RecellularizationHJ Chen, ML Shuler - Cancer Driver Genes, 2019 - Springer … 5. Media with fibroblast inhibitory reagent: Colonic epithelial cell growth medium with 1%fibroblast inhibitory reagent (Human Colon FibrOut™ from CHI Scientific) for the first two to threepassages of primary cultures to prevent the outgrowth of fibroblasts. 6 … 4) A pumpless body-on-a-chip model using a primary culture of human intestinal cells and a 3D culture of liver cellsHJ Chen, P Miller, ML Shuler - Lab on a Chip, 2018 - pubs.rsc.org … ng ml ?1 R-spondin 1 (R&D systems) and 50 ng ml ?1 Noggin (Peprotech, NJ) in collagen-I coatedflasks (BD scientific, NJ) and incubated in a humidified incubator at 5% CO 2 and 37 °C. After48 hour culture, fibroblast inhibitory reagent (Human Colon FibrOut™, CHI Scientific … 5) [PDF] A novel way of harvesting a large population of endothelial cells for clinical and experimental useAO Ilesanmi - Biomed Res Rev, 2018 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org … If it is eventually decided that fibroblasts should be eliminated completely, there is a commercialproduct, the Human Vascular Endothelial PrimaCell™ system that includes an effective fibroblastelimination system, Vascular Endothelial FibrOut™ () … 6) [PDF] gene KIF23 in a mouse model of lung adenocarcinoma. Oncogene, 36 (1), pp. 110-121.(doi: 10.1038onc. 2016.181) This is the author's final accepted version …F Iltzsche - core.ac.uk … ml fresh media. Tissue was broken up by pipetting and the cell suspension was cultured in mediasupplemented with Mouse FibrOut™ 9 (CHI Scientific). Cells were cultured until confluency wasreached, genotyped and stored for further processing. Antibodies … 7) Very long chain fatty acid β-oxidation in astrocytes: contribution of the ABCD1-dependent and-independent pathwaysM Morita, S Shinbo, A Asahi… - Biological and …, 2012 - jstage.jst.go.jp … The MessageMuter shRNAi Production kit was from EPICENTRE. FibrOut (System 4,Mouse) was purchased from CHI Scientific (Maynard, MA, USA). Antimycin A and ro-tenone were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA) … 8) Requirement of the NF-κB subunit p65RelA for K-Ras–induced lung tumorigenesisDS Bassères, A Ebbs, E Levantini, AS Baldwin - Cancer research, 2010 - AACR 9) p38α MAP kinase is essential in lung stem and progenitor cell proliferation and differentiation JJ Ventura, S Tenbaum, E Perdiguero, M Huth… - Nature …, 2007 -



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